Garage - swing out carriage doors

We have started some much needed repairs to the garage.  The garage will be in two phases.
Short term: replace the broken garage doors with swing out carriage doors
Long term (about 5 years): a complete rebuild of the structure to make a 2 bay with a living space on the top floor.

Our budget for working garage doors is $3000.  To have a company install simple metal doors and garage door openers for the 8" opening on two bays, our quotes have been coming in at $15K - $18K... CRAZY expensive!!!  So, after doing some research of the old structure, and considering we don't really need it weatherized since it is detached, we made the decision to replace what would have been there originally... Swing out carriage doors.

The hard part was trying to find structural hinge tees to hold the weight of the door, since most tees are now made to be only decorative.  Fortunately, Home Depot online shopping came through for us.

We ordered Shiplap in a dark brown and the matching trims to complete four 4' x 8' panel doors along with all the hardware we need:  16 tee hinges, rods, screws, sealant paint, locking gate flip latches, and cane bolts. All in all, that cost about $1200... for all everything.
Add to that a little DIY labor... and our first panel is ready to be hung.






 now just need to add the hand pulls... 
